Congratulations to the following for being selected as soloists for the Pre-Show Opener of Cinderella:
Neverland: (Peter Pan's solo) Solo 1: Wna'nia Flambert I have a place where dreams are born... Solo1 and 2 together: Never, Neverland
Solo 2: Ruixi Lin It might be miles beyond the moon... Solo 2 and 3 together: Never, Neverland
Solo 3: Hannah Wallis You'll have a treasure if you stay there, More precious far than gold For once you have found your way there, You can never never grow old
Solo 4: Carolynn Moroz And that's my home where dreams are born, And time is never planned Just think of lovely thing , And your heart will fly on wings Forever
Everyone: in Never, Neverland I Won't Grow Up Soloist: Mila Hadjis
Speaking solos I Won't Grow Up: Not I: Owen Woods Not Me: Kambria Philippbar No Sir: Aria Spartage
Part of Your World: Maslin Fernandez, Raquel Harris, Alyssa Penick, and Aariah Mendenhall
Under the Sea Soloist: Charlotte Williamson ('Under the sea, Under the sea, When the sardine, Begin the beguine, It's music to me'... all the way to the end!)
Speaking Parts: Village Child 1: Theodora Abdelmesih (Mrs. Flora, I really loved that story you did last time with Tinkerbell and the Lost boys and…)
Village Child 2: Allison Arrietta (I really loved Captain Hook and that ticking crocodile!)
Village Child 3: Karris Peltzer (Ms. Flora, you said Under the Sea right?)
Village Child 4: Maya Sepulveda (Well that reminds me of that princess who was a mermaid who fell in love with the prince...)